Thank You Email Auto Tool is the simplest way to say thanks, express your concern, and connect effectively with each customer. After you install our app, you will open a dashboard and start to set up features.

1. Overview

Overview will let you know email status including the number of email sent, email opened, and email used. App status is used to turn on or turn off the app.

2. How to create Campaign?

- Please click Campaign Management

- You will see 4 types of campaign including Newsletter subscribers, New customers, New orders and Fulfilled orders.

- Choose one type you want to set up.

- Click Add New Campaign button

- Click Select button to choose a template

- Set up Campaign settings

- Enter a campaign name

- Customize the time to send emails. Move the point on the bar to schedule the campaign.

- Edit the address, information and subject for each email to your customers. 

- You can send test to see your email before send it to customers

- Click Select template. One popup of available templates shows up. You can choose a template you need.

- You can edit content with the drag-and-drop design.

+ In Content section, you can add more Columns, Button, use Diveder, HTML link, add Image, Menu, Text, and Social button

+ In Block section, you can add different blocks to the email structure.

+ In Body section, you can edit font, color, etc.

- Redo, Undo, see preview, and check on desktop view or mobile view with buttons

- After you set up content. please click Save to save settings

Finally, you set up an email campaign successfully.

3. Settings

- To edit default settings, please open Settings in the menu bar.

- Edit Shop info and Default campaign settings

- Click Save button to save your settings.

If you have any problems during the installation, you can contact us via email: