Building email popup lists has always been an uneasy task. Popup Sign up - Sales Banner offers an ideal solution. Create your perfect email pop-up, mailing list sign up popup, or newsletter signup popup and collect email addresses for your website.

Popup Settings

1. Add New Popup and Layouts

You set up Add New Popup and Layouts in one page. 

- Enter Campaign name

- Select a type of layouts


There are 5 types of layout:

  • Popup without code
  • Popup with code
  • Floating bar
  • Suggest product
  • Subscribe to channel

Layout Popup without code has 2 templates. You can choose one of them


Layout Popup with code has 4 templates. You can choose one of them

You need to create a discount code in Shopify admin 

Layout Floating bar has 2 templates. You can choose one of them

Layout Suggest product has 3 templates. You can choose one of them

Layout Subscribe to channel has 2 templates. You can choose one of them

- Select a position to place the popup on your website


2. Customize


You will customize Main popup and Teaser

- Main Popup: Click Edit to change options

+ General Interface

+ Headline

+ Description

+ Image

+ Subscribe

+ Social

+ General Interface: Set up font, body background color, border radius, close icon color, close icon hover color

+ Headline


+ Headline

+ Description

+ Image

+ Subscribe

+ Social

- Teaser

+ Turn on or turn off the teaser

+ Choose a position

+ Choose a template

+ Customize icon box


3. Target


Click Edit to edit options

- Visitor behavior

- Display frequency

- Stop Showing popup

- Display

- Device

- Schedule

- Visitor behavior

- Display frequency

- Stop Showing popup

- Display

- Device

- Schedule

Click Save to save changes.

Please contact win@autoketing if you have any questions or issues.