If Currency Converter ‑ Multicoin does not work, you can refer to some reasons below: 

Reason 1: App Status: OFF

Before installing, you must enable App Status to activate and choose currencies to convert on your online store. It would be best to remember that this app will not work when OFF. If you cannot install it successfully, you should check this first reason. 

Reason 2: Currency Status is OFF

You should make sure that you click "Save Setting" before moving to the next steps. Click "Save Settings" to save your process or everything will disappear. In particular, if you change any issues on our dashboard, you must press "Save Setting" to save them. We will not be able to change anything until you save them. 

Reason 3: App embed is OFF

Reason 4: Not yet paste codes in Shopify settings

For this app to work and change currency, you must copy and paste codes into Shopify settings. How to copy and paste codes? You can follow this instruction to do this step. 

If you still can't install it, you can contact us for assistance via win@autoketing.com. Good luck!